Reversible Destiny Foundation + ACAW

6:30-8:30PM | Panel Discussion with Reception

Points of Convergence: Arakawa and the Art of 1960s–1970s

Distinguished panelists Dr. Charles Haxthausen, Naoto Nakagawa, and Dr. Reiko Tomii discuss how the art and philosophy of Arakawa (who had moved to New York from Japan in 1961), along with many other Japanese artists working in the midst of the fast-changing NY art scene of the 60s–70s, became an integral part of the process of transition from Abstract Expressionism to Minimalism and Conceptual Art movements.
In collaboration with ACAW, the first public program launch of Reversible Destiny Foundation established by Arakawa (1936–2010) and Madeline Gins (1941–2014). Followed by reception.
RSVP required at

Artnet> MAP
233 Broadway (Park Pl & Barclay St.)
New York, NY 10007

Above: Shusaku Arakawa, Tubes, 1965, oil and acrylic on canvas, 50” x 67”, 2016 Estate of Madeline Gins. Reproduced with permission of the Estate of Madeline Gins and Reversible Destiny Foundation.