Lee KIT (Hong Kong & Taipei)

There’s a cup on the pillow, 2014, white towel; single-channel video, color, silent, 3’23”.

Portraying everyday objects through his usual language of visual poetry, Lee Kit offers a model of resistance and constraint. The video-installation courts both intimacy and detachment, suggesting that artistic practice and life often merge in unexpected and transformative ways.

About the artist:

Lee Kit focuses with quiet intensity on the conditions of being human in his installations, audio and video recordings, and mixed-media works. In his own words, he is interested in “human experience and emotions, be it private, public, personal or collective.” He is best known for the hand-painted cloths he has been produced for over a decade, presented both as utilitarian objects bearing traces of their use, and as fine art. Kit’s recent major exhibitions include the 2012 New Museum Triennial, No Soul for Sale at Tate Modern, and represented Hong Kong at the 55th Venice Biennale.