Charwei TSAI (Ho Chi Minh City / Paris / Taipei)
Tofu Mantra, 2005, single-channel video, color, sound, 2′. (upper)
Charwei Tsai utilizes ink and a variety of media in her politically engaged, performative practice. In Tofu Mantra a Buddhist scripture about the nature of impermanence is written onto a block of tofu, which transforms through various stages of decay, expressing the ephemerality of nature and thought.
Ah, 2011, single-channel video, color, with sound by Zai Tang, 5′. (lower)
The chanting of “Ah,” a sacred sound embraced in many religions of the world, is written in ink on water to celebrate the spiritual diversity of Singapore. Conceived for the occasion of the “Tapestry of Sacred Music” Festival.
About the artist:
Highly personal yet universal concerns spur Tsai’s multi‐medium practice. Geographical, social, and spiritual motifs inform her body of work, which encourages viewer participation outside the confines of complacent contemplation. Preoccupied with the human‐nature relationship, Tsai meditates on the complexities among cultural beliefs, spirituality, and transience. Tsai’s works have been shown in solo and group exhibitions in major cities worldwide, as well biennials including Singapore Biennale, 6th Asia Pacific Triennial, Sharjah Biennale and Dojima River Biennales. Her works are also in public and private collections internationally.