Tang Dixin (Shanghai)

Mr. Hungry

In his performance Mr. Hungry, Tang Dixin used physical divergence between the act of ‘walking’ and ‘climbing’ among the audience as an imaginative interval to defy social norms; his actions suggested retreat to a subdued expression of disobedience. He demonstrated a similar performance of striking physical divergence with book throwing and balancing on day 2.

Top right: Image courtesy of Carol Haggerty.

> Watch Tang Dixin’s Day 1 Presentation Here

> Watch Tang Dixin’s Day 2 Presentation Here

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Artist and curator Tang Dixin’s practices involve a spectrum of media, all of which contribute to emphasizing the site-specificity and eventuality of art. He graduated from Shanghai Normal University and now lives and works in Shanghai. His recent solo exhibitions include Mr. Hungry, Aike-Dellarco, Shanghai; and Tang Dixin, Ota Fine Arts, Tokyo. He also participated in group exhibitions including Jing Shen The Act of Painting in Contemporary China, PAC Museum of Contemporary Art, Milan; and the 10th Gwangju Biennale, Korea (2014).

Tang Dixin’sparticipation in FIELD MEETING is supported by Aike-Dellarco (Shanghai)

Bottom right: Tang Dixin, Mr. Hungry. On-site performance at AIKE-DELLARCO, Shanghai, China, 2014