Bose Pacia
Residency Opening February 19
Open Studio: Thursday, March, 7 from 6 – 9 pm

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Residency dates: February 19 – March 27, 2013
Open Studio: Thursday, March, 7: 6-9pm

Transparent Studio at Bose Pacia is pleased to announce the current artists-in-residence, Artcodex. The collective will alter the studio to create an experimental space of exchange and dialogue with the public to explore themes that are central to Modernism, Post-modernism and the next phase, which they have titled Ghost Modernism. Artcodex will be creating interactive and interchangeable sculptures representing these three movements.

In addition, the public is invited to visit their research library and attend scheduled film screenings. During this open studio event, the public will be able to view works in progress. The public is invited to visit Transparent Studio until March 27 to talk with the artists about their process and exploration. Artcodex is a collective of artists who engage in collaborative practices that combine an absurd sense of humor with political content and philosophical exploration.

Bose Pacia > MAP
163 Plymouth St,
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 11 am – 6 pm. (Studio hours are by appointment only.)

Above: Artcodex, Pavilion of the American Resistance, I am 5, 2005. Installation at Parker’s Box. Courtesy of Artcodex and Bose Pacia, NY.