Ronin Gallery

5:30–7:30pm | Opening Reception

Wrestling the Demon: Noriko and Ushio Shinohara

From Noriko’s famed Cutie paintings and prints to Ushio’s notorious boxing painting, this exhibition considers decades spent by the artist duo in wrestling with the demon of art, and quite often, wrestling with themselves.”Wrestling the Demon” approaches the concept of project as not a single art object, but as an evolution of series over several decades. For Noriko, this project can be seen as her self-actualization as an artist through the paintings and prints of her Cutie series. As Cutie develops over the years, Noriko exorcises her regrets, hones her artistic awareness, and finds empowerment. For Ushio, the boxing paintings weave a steady thread through his long career. From enfant terrible of the Japanese art scene, to Brooklyn-based artist, Ushio continues to develop his action paintings and prints with unrelenting vigor and varied perspective.
Ronin Gallery> MAP
425 Madison Avenue (48th & 49th St)

Above: Noriko Shinohara. Paris Under Bermuda Sea. 1998. Etching. 10” x 15.”