Tyler Rollins Fine Art

6–8pm | Special Viewing

Tiffany Chung: the unwanted population

The solo exhibition will include new developments in two of Chung’s ongoing series: The Syria Project, tracking the current crisis in Syria, a project she first developed for the 2015 Venice Biennale; and The Vietnam Exodus Project, which investigates the post-1975 dispersal of refugees from Vietnam. Through October 21
Tyler Rollins Fine Art> MAP
522 W 19th St (10th & 11th Ave.)

Above: Tiffany Chung, ICMPD, IOM, Frontex, Reuters, NYT: migration routes through Africa to Europe, 2017, acrylic, ink and oil on drafting film, 36 x 51 1/2 in. (92 x 131 cm)