Stephanie Bailey (London, Athens and Hong Kong)
Final Thoughts
Considering words as tones in a palette and the art world as her subject matter, the writer, editor, and educator perceives herself as an undercover artist missioned with challenging global politics from within the highly privileged and contentious space of culture. Much like the deeply private act of painting in pre-revolutionary China, or the way Socrates describes good text as a “live body”, she views writing as an ever-evolving, reactive, and changeable act with a life of its own.
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Stephanie Bailey, Final Remarks. FIELD MEETING: Thinking Practice, November
12, 2016 at Asia Society. Photo: Renata Carciofolo.
Stephanie Bailey is Senior Editor of Ibraaz, Contributing Editor of ART PAPERS and LEAP, Editor-at-large at, and the current curator of the Conversations and Salon Programme at Art Basel Hong Kong. A member of the Naked Punch Editorial Committee, she also writes regularly for Artforum International, and Yishu Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art. Born in Hong Kong and essentially made in Greece, where she directed, managed, and taught on a BTEC-accredited Foundation Diploma in Art and Design at Doukas from 2009 to 2012, her interests include the articulations of history and the relations of power coded into the production and exchange of culture. Recent essays have appeared in You Are Here: Art After the Internet (ed. Omar Kholeif, Space/Cornerhouse, 2014); Hybridize or Disappear (ed. Joao Laia, Mousse Publishing, 2015);Happy Hypocrite #8: FRESH HELL (ed. Sophia Al-Maria, Book Works, 2015); Armenity, the catalogue for the Golden Lion-winning Armenian Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale (ed. Adelina von Furstenburg, Skira, 2015); and the 20th Biennale of Sydney Catalogue: The future is already here — it’s just not evenly distributed (ed. Stephanie Rosenthal).
Ulrike Ottinger, The Conquest of the Happy Islands – A Colonial Opera, 1984. Film, 35 min, colour, still. Courtesy the artist. Used to illustrate a conversation between Koyo Kouoh and Stephanie Bailey for Ibraaz.