Qasim Riza SHAHEEN (Manchester)

Undeliverable Mail

Qasim Riza Shaheen’s Undeliverable Mail, an intimate letter in the form of an audio recording, contemplated a variety of subjects, such as gender and narcissism, particularly and atypically through the poetics of Sufism.

>> Watch Qasim Riza Shaheen’s Presentation Here

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Qasim Riza Shaheen is a visual artist and writer who works across a variety of media, including participatory performance, installation, film, and photography.  His work has been exhibited and programmed widely, including at Brighton International Festival; Victoria & Albert Museum, London; Twelve Gates Arts, Philadelphia,; and Alhamra National Gallery in Lahore, where he was invited as an international resident and subsequently as Associate Professor at the prestigious National College of Arts in Lahore and Islamabad.

Qasim Riza Shaheen’s participation in FIELD MEETING is supported by Twelve Gates Arts (Philadelphia)
Top Right: Image courtesy of Derick Marquez.
Bottom Left: Image courtesy of the artist.