ACAW Field Meeting Take 3: Thinking Performance

“…… spanned two days and a third night, brought together practitioners from around the world for TED-talk-like “keynotes” and collegial discussions around this irresolvable term.”

– ArtAsiaPacific Blog by HG Masters – November 8, 2015

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Thinking Performance at ACAW 2015, New York – Leeza Ahmady Interview

“We considered various unconventional modes of art making and exhibition, making practices and highlighting both artists and artistic initiatives in a timely and less mediated fashion.”

– Art Radar by Christine Lee – October 23, 2015

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The Best in Art of 2015

“In conjunction with Asia Contemporary Art Week, the Met presented “Sonic Blossom,” an interactive piece conceived by Lee Mingwei, which had vocalists from the Manhattan School of Music singing Schubert lieder in the galleries. Heaven.”

– The New York Times by Holland Cotter – December 9, 2015

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The Best Classical Music of 2015

“…the setup made for a particularly intense, almost electric connection between singer and chosen listener, another manifestation of Mr. Lee’s concern in his recent works with human contact, communication and sharing.”

– The New York Times by James R. Oestreich – December 9, 2015

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Singers to Serenade Lucky Museum Visitors One-on-One at the Met

“ ‘So, when the singer wears the costume they are like the demi-god bringing gifts to the people they sing for.’ ”

– Observer by Alanna Martinez – November 6, 2015

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Classical & Opera Listings for Nov. 6-12

“ Answer in the affirmative and you not only receive the gift of a Schubert song, sung by one of a roving team of young singers, but become part of the artist Lee Mingwei’s interactive performance work. ”

– The New York Times Music – November 5, 2015

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The Met Wants To Serenade You – Literally – With New Musical Exhibit ‘Sonic Blossom’

” ‘This is almost like when you walk into a garden and suddenly a butterfly lands on your shoulder,” Lee says.

– The Village Voice by Silas Valentino – October 29, 2015

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In Lee Mingwei’s ‘Sonic Blossom’ at the Met, Schubert Is Intimate Installation Art

“ ‘May I offer you the gift of a song?” and seated me in the lone chair, sang Schubert’s “Nacht und Träume’ (‘Night and Dreams’) directly to me.”

– The New York Times by James R. Oestreich – November 1, 2015

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Museum Exhibit Stirs Emotions with Spontaneous Song

” ‘He sat me down, and it was like, wow,” one museum visitor said following the experience. “What came out of his mouth and what he sounded like totally did not match what I expected. So it was really great.’ “

– ABC News by Lauren Glassberg – November 5, 2015

> Watch the full coverage here >View as a PDF

Sonic Blossom at The Met

” Music is a universal gift. in Lee Mingwei’s interactive performance “sonic blossom”, opera singers will approach people throughout the MET museum offering a gift. If accepted, they will sing a piece of beautiful opera.”

– SinoVision English Channel – November 9, 2015

> Watch the full coverage here >View as a PDF

去大都會博物館,偶遇一份神秘禮物 (Encounter a Mysterious Gift at The Met)

– SinoVision WeChat by 石香菇,張晗 – November 4, 2015

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看紐約的中東夫婦低調奢華的公寓是什麼樣子的(ACAW 2015 Kickoff Party )

– SinoVision WeChat by 石香菇,張晗 – November 3, 2015

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No More Triumphs: A Report on Asia Contemporary Art Week (ACAW) 2015

” ‘I don’t have a concept of place anymore,’ was the response given by Ming Wong when asked about representing specific geographies during a panel as part of New York’s 10th ACAW, 2015.”

– OCULA by Sophia McKinnon – November 9, 2015

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舞榭歌台 (The Last Applause)

– by 劉倩兮 – November 16, 2015

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唐狄鑫談自身創作 (Tang Dixin on His Work)

– by 楊北辰,郭娟 – November 12, 2015

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SCREEN x ACAW: A Dialogue on “Thinking Performance” with Leeza Ahmady

“Asia Contemporary Art Week as an institution is also in the process of shifting to a new stage.”

– SCREEN | 介面 by 陳佳音 – November 22, 2015

> See the full article here >View as a PDF

BECOME THE INSTITUTION! Christopher k Ho on identity (technically)

“The wry twists of Christopher K Ho’s work show an acute sensitivity to the social meaning of an object—whether that’s Eau d’Issey, an Ivy league monogram, or a peace lily.”

– SCREEN | 介面 by Yu-Chieh Li – November 26, 2015

> See the full article here >View as a PDF

Asia Contemporary Art Week (ACAW)2015

“This year, ACAW will place a special emphasis on performance with two signature programs.”

– My Art Guides Editorial Team – October, 2015

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Wang Dongling: The Heart Sutra in Chaos Script at the Brooklyn Museum

“Throughout the performance, he held the brush at an angle and repeatedly let it run dry, causing its hair to split and rub against the paper surface to create nearly ethereal traces. “

– Ink Studio – November, 2015

> See the full article here >View as a PDF

Competing identities:  Song Ta Thinks you’re a big deal

“Song Ta’s work perverts administrative tactics like beauty contests, population censuses, or school tests—always twisting the official line but not overstepping it.”

– SCREEN | 介面 by Yu-Chieh Li – November 16, 2015

> See the full article here >View as a PDF

The Kominas Close Out Asia Contemporary Art Week

“The Kominas brought the curtain down on Asia Contemporary Arts Week at the Aicon Gallery on November 8 surrounded by the exhibition of works from Salman Toor.”

– The Village Voice by Sachyn Mital – November 9, 2015

> See the full article here >View as a PDF

【LEAP TALKS × ACAW】过程的终点:物件及其表演-岳鸿飞对话艺术家唐纳天和寇拉克里·阿让诺度才

“This panel continues inquiries in this direction by bringing together artists who work with both liveness and objects. “

– LEAP WeChat- October 31, 2015

> See the full article here >View as a PDF

Miming Art And Its Disappearance: Performance And Lecture At Field Meeting Take 3: Thinking Performance

“Central to these meetings was an attempt to look at how artists in Asia have used performance as a means to distill their work down to elemental components: language, archival strategy, visual tropes.”

– LEAP by Scott Norton – November 27, 2015

> See the full article here >View as a PDF

Above: Highlights from the Asia Contemporary Art Week 2015 programs. From left to right: Lee Mingwei Sonic Blossom, Field Meeting Day 1, Field Meeting Day 2, SCREEN + ACAW at SVA, Wang Dongling’s performance at the Brooklyn Museum.